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📜✍🏻Release Notes: more details
pod 'MJRefresh'
github "CoderMJLee/MJRefresh"
folder to project#import "MJRefresh.h"
Base Custom
MJRefresh.bundle MJRefresh.h
MJRefreshConst.h MJRefreshConst.m
UIScrollView+MJExtension.h UIScrollView+MJExtension.m
UIScrollView+MJRefresh.h UIScrollView+MJRefresh.m
UIView+MJExtension.h UIView+MJExtension.m
The class of red text
in the chart:You can use them directly
The class of non-red text
in the chart:For inheritance,to use DIY the control of refresh/** The Base Class of refresh control */
@interface MJRefreshComponent : UIView
#pragma mark - Control the state of Refresh
/** BeginRefreshing */
- (void)beginRefreshing;
/** EndRefreshing */
- (void)endRefreshing;
/** IsRefreshing */
- (BOOL)isRefreshing;
#pragma mark - Other
/** According to the drag ratio to change alpha automatically */
@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isAutomaticallyChangeAlpha) BOOL automaticallyChangeAlpha;
@interface MJRefreshHeader : MJRefreshComponent
/** Creat header */
+ (instancetype)headerWithRefreshingBlock:(MJRefreshComponentRefreshingBlock)refreshingBlock;
/** Creat header */
+ (instancetype)headerWithRefreshingTarget:(id)target refreshingAction:(SEL)action;
/** This key is used to storage the time that the last time of drown-down successfully */
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *lastUpdatedTimeKey;
/** The last time of drown-down successfully */
@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *lastUpdatedTime;
/** Ignored scrollView contentInset top */
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat ignoredScrollViewContentInsetTop;
@interface MJRefreshFooter : MJRefreshComponent
/** Creat footer */
+ (instancetype)footerWithRefreshingBlock:(MJRefreshComponentRefreshingBlock)refreshingBlock;
/** Creat footer */
+ (instancetype)footerWithRefreshingTarget:(id)target refreshingAction:(SEL)action;
/** NoticeNoMoreData */
- (void)noticeNoMoreData;
/** ResetNoMoreData(Clear the status of NoMoreData ) */
- (void)resetNoMoreData;
/** Ignored scrollView contentInset bottom */
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat ignoredScrollViewContentInsetBottom;
@interface MJRefreshAutoFooter : MJRefreshFooter
/** Is Automatically Refresh(Default is Yes) */
@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isAutomaticallyRefresh) BOOL automaticallyRefresh;
/** When there is much at the bottom of the control is automatically refresh(Default is 1.0,Is at the bottom of the control appears in full, will refresh automatically) */
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat triggerAutomaticallyRefreshPercent;
* Due to there are more functions of this framework,Don't write specific text describe its usage
* You can directly reference examples MJTableViewController、MJCollectionViewController、MJWebViewController,More intuitive and fast.
self.tableView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
self.tableView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Enter the refresh status immediately
[self.tableView.mj_header beginRefreshing];
// Set the callback(一Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
MJRefreshGifHeader *header = [MJRefreshGifHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Set the ordinary state of animated images
[header setImages:idleImages forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
// Set the pulling state of animated images(Enter the status of refreshing as soon as loosen)
[header setImages:pullingImages forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
// Set the refreshing state of animated images
[header setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set header
self.tableView.mj_header = header;
// Hide the time
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.hidden = YES;
// Hide the time
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.hidden = YES;
// Hide the status
header.stateLabel.hidden = YES;
// Set title
[header setTitle:@"Pull down to refresh" forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
[header setTitle:@"Release to refresh" forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
[header setTitle:@"Loading ..." forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set font
header.stateLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15];
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14];
// Set textColor
header.stateLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
header.lastUpdatedTimeLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
self.tableView.mj_header = [MJDIYHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Implementation reference to MJDIYHeader.h和MJDIYHeader.m
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadMoreData])
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadMoreData])
MJRefreshAutoGifFooter *footer = [MJRefreshAutoGifFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Set the refresh image
[footer setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set footer
self.tableView.mj_footer = footer;
// Hide the title of refresh status
footer.refreshingTitleHidden = YES;
// If does have not above method,then use footer.stateLabel.hidden = YES;
//Become the status of NoMoreData
[footer noticeNoMoreData];
// Set title
[footer setTitle:@"Click or drag up to refresh" forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
[footer setTitle:@"Loading more ..." forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
[footer setTitle:@"No more data" forState:MJRefreshStateNoMoreData];
// Set font
footer.stateLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17];
// Set textColor
footer.stateLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
//Hidden current control of the pull to refresh
self.tableView.mj_footer.hidden = YES;
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshBackNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
MJRefreshBackGifFooter *footer = [MJRefreshBackGifFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Set the normal state of the animated image
[footer setImages:idleImages forState:MJRefreshStateIdle];
// Set the pulling state of animated images(Enter the status of refreshing as soon as loosen)
[footer setImages:pullingImages forState:MJRefreshStatePulling];
// Set the refreshing state of animated images
[footer setImages:refreshingImages forState:MJRefreshStateRefreshing];
// Set footer
self.tableView.mj_footer = footer;
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJDIYAutoFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Implementation reference to MJDIYAutoFooter.h和MJDIYAutoFooter.m
self.tableView.mj_footer = [MJDIYBackFooter footerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadMoreData)];
// Implementation reference to MJDIYBackFooter.h和MJDIYBackFooter.m
// The drop-down refresh
self.collectionView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// The pull to refresh
self.collectionView.mj_footer = [MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter footerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
//Add the control of The drop-down refresh
self.webView.scrollView.mj_header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically